Due to the steepness of hills in Florida drivers gain a lot of inadvertent speed. Due to this unintentional speed I have had the privilege to give hundreds of dollars to the state of Florida. After so many injustices you might think that I would have become embittered, and you'd be right. That is not the problem though. However, my dislike is not irrational.
There have been numerous studies done throughout the years on the correlation between speed and crashes. The overwhelming conclusion on the subject depends on who you talk to. If you were to question any government who receives massive amounts of revenue from speeding ticets, they would say that speed limits are there to protect you. In fact, according to the current online traffic school, sanctioned by the state of Florida, one of the questions asks what speed limits are for. The inevitable answer being that they are there for all motorists' safety.
Is that actually true?
If that were true I would not have read in Motor Trend Magazine that some counties in the U.S. are increasing penalties for speeders. Now, how does that protect us more? It doesn't. It only increases revenue to a government that will spend it on things like Kaleko computers and studded horse saddles.
One of the safest roads in the world is the German Autobahn. Not only the ultra high speed Autobahn but the rest of the roads in Germany as well. It takes a lot of money to get a German drivers license and it doesn't come overnight. You have to be a good driver to drive in Germany. I'm not saying that I'm that big a fan of Germany, Nazi-ism is a big detractor from the safe roads and beautiful countryside. This is just one example of how charging people a bunch of money for going fast is not making people safer.
In states like Wyoming and Nevada a few years ago there were no speed limits on the roads that were in the middle of no where. These kind of roads are most often featured in independent films that make feeble attempts at art and whit. As described in Wyoming law; whatever speed was "prudent" was the speed limit. After repealing these flexible laws in the name of safety crashes have inevitably gone up.
The possibility of crashes and traffic are two problems that make the road dangerous. To help illustrate my point, answer this question. What would cause more crashes and traffic?
1.) Flexible speeding laws complimented by more stringent license standards.
2.) Extremely harsh traffic laws that bankrupt the offender and a cop sitting in the middle of I-95 shooting radar.
Is the answer obvious or not? If you can't figure it out. Hit yourself with a brick and try again.
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