In a sea of crap-o-la there are spectacularly beautiful things. The Mona Lisa, Michelangelo's David and other high class stuff. Then there's sunsets and the ocean, you know, stuff you're girlfriend drags you to. There has been a lot of discussion over the many, many years that the car has even existed about what the most beautiful of them all. When the car was first invented there were a couple German guys arguing, in German, over what early model Mercedes was the prettiest. Don't ask me how I know this, just trust me. Germans like 1 cylinder turn of the century Mercs.
The criteria for the most beautiful car ever, has to be specific. How can we discuss something without rules to decide what actually is the prettiest? Now, since I'll be making the rules I'll inevitably be deciding the prettiest. I could just think of them in my head and not even tell you but here are the rules for deciding whether a car is pretty.
1.) The car must be collectible - If no one else cares to buy the car then how can it be expected to be pretty. 1984 Honda CRXs don't fit into this category because they are total, uh, crap.
2.) The car must be fast - Now I'm not talking 200 miles per hour but it can't be a dog. Again, Honda CRXs don't fit into this category. Old British cars don't fit this category either because, let's face it, they are absolute rubbish with speed.
Now that we have eliminated most foriegn cars we are left with domestic cars. Now let's eliminate some other cars.
3.) The car has to be old - Yes, yes there are plenty of beautiful modern cars but they still don't count. Cars today have been marred by the limits of government on their fuel systems and how much they kill weasels in Austria. Classic cars are from a time that anything went and that makes them special.
4.) Looks fast standing still - The body of the car has to be sleek. It can't have a big flat nose that looks like the only way that it will ever get down the road is with a mammoth engine. The car has to be sexy. It has to look like something that you want to put on your wall as much as you'd like to drive it.
We've eliminated foreign cars, both young and old. We've also eliminated all new domestic cars. What we are left with is old, domestic cars. I'm not biased against foreign cars but in a blog on the most beautiful car ever you have got to admit (actually you don't have to) that the most beautiful were 1960s American cars. There era from which they came was a magical time that has been imortalized in film over and over again in films like American Graffiti. Songs make these cars into legends, so tach up that 409 buddy. There is only one car that fits all of the criteria that I've put forth.
...And the most beautiful car ever is...
1963-1967 Chevrolet Corvette

To say that this car is in no way beautiful would be a lie. To say it is not the most beautiful car ever would be blasphemy. This blog may seem a bit gushy, well, it is. This car makes my blood pump big time. The best argument that I can make is this...JUST LOOK AT THAT THING!!!
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