In case you have not taken my hints and not gone to StreetFire.net yet then here is your chance to sample some of the best. I spend at least a couple minutes each day on this site looking and the videos dedicated to cars. Here is what I have found to be the creme' de la creme'.
Will Roegge produces some awesome drift and car videos and they look fantastic. Check out his Red Bull World Finals video.
The guys from IMV Films are fun and produce videos that are real and entertaining. They make you feel like you're actually there and on the streets with them. The videos also make you want to go street race.
Roll Racing is like IMV films without the characters. There's about 20 videos and they are all the same and all rock hard. Get your street race on with the Roll Racing fellas.
Leo is now world famous because he sounds just like a Supra. He also sounds just like a lot of other cars. Check him out as he goes for a couple test drives.
If you enjoy supercars being driven very fast and loudly then you'll enjoy VRAlexander. He drives his Porsche Carrera GT the way it was mean to be and it sounds B-E-A-utiful.
Enjoy those vids you filthy animals.
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