The sights. The sounds. Nothing can getcha as excited as real sports cars. Now by ‘getcha’ I may not be talking about you, I may just be talking about myself. I know I’m not though. Seeing cars on YouTube.com or StreetFire.net is one thing, but seeing the real thing, hearing the real thing and smelling the real thing is what it’s all about. Palm Beach just held its 4th annual Supercar Weekend on Flagler Drive. The event caused thousands of people to flock down to the Flagler waterfront and take part in the appreciation of all these wonderful automobiles.
Having gone down to Palm Beach myself and taken part in all the festivities I am happy to report that Supercar Weekend is well worth the gas money and $30 admission. It would be advisable for those who wish to get their full money’s worth to go in the afternoon. This way, not only will you be able to see all the cars relaxing along the drive you will also be able to see them start up and leave. As is evidenced by anyone’s heart rate when a Ferrari cranks its engine, looks are 10 percent of a car and the other 90 percent is taken in when the car has its engine roaring.
As expected there were numerous Lamborghinis and Ferraris but it was the cars that weren’t so common that attracted the most attention. The Koenigsegg CCX for instance was one of the cars that had a massive crowd around it constantly. I could only take a guess as to what attracted so many to the CCX but it’s still an educated one though. It could have had something to do with the doors on the Koenigsegg that not only open, but open in one of the most unique ways ever conceived on a car. Talk to anyone who has seen these Dihedral Synchro-Helix Actuating doors in action and they are more than likely to tell you that they are one of the craziest and most awe inspiring things they have ever seen on a car. Numerous car forums throughout the internet can be found with thread upon thread devoted to the discussion and design of these doors.
There wasn’t much for activities for any non car fans that you might bring along other than yakking about fashion with the wives of the car owners that had also been dragged to the show. I can’t really think that anyone car loving or not would expect anything else than cars at an event titled Palm Beach SuperCAR Weekend.
For those of you who didn’t make it this year keep checking the PalmBeachSupercarWeekend website for next years dates and photos that the site will post later. Until then please find below a video of the many sights and sounds of the event that I have made with some of my own footage and pictures.
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