Well, hello again to all those who have been e-mailing me and wondering where CarBull has gone. Just kidding. By no popular demand at all I have found my way back to my beloved blog and am here to grace the Internet with the pearls of wisdom that just spill forth from my brain like so much baby poo on the kitchen floor.
There has been a lot that went down since the last time that I talked to the wall. Ken Block released his Gymkhana 2 video and blew up the world. Transformers 2 was released last night and blew up the world. I got new wheels and suspension for my ongoing Ford Focus project, and I, blew up the world. So the world has blown up at least three times and exciting things have gone down.

I have written numerous times about the deplorable trends that are engaged in by the car culture. There are some trends that I have looked at on other cars and thought, "Boy, that sucks." I must say that I have fallen prey to one of the biggest trends that I have seen on cars. I bought a set of rims with a brushed lip and black center. Many a time I have gazed upon a Ford Mustang and looked the car over enjoying the timeless design quality and getting to an all too common move of black rims with a brushed lip. I thought that I would never get a set of rims that I saw so many times and despised. I was wrong. They look great, which leads me to the conclusion that some trends are not all that bad.
Black rims + brushed lip = not that bad.
Body kits, door handle deletes, carbon fiber, flat paint and loud exhaust are all trends that could be terrible things when used in the wrong manner. As is the case in all car customization, tastefully implemented widespread trends look, and function, beautifully. Here I am, the infallible me, telling you that even I can look at something that everyone uses on their car and say, "I can do that." The only difference is that I do it a whole lot better than most people.